Amazon Marketing Services (AMS)
AMS stands for Amazon Marketing Services, referring to paid advertising opportunities on the Amazon online marketplace. Merchants have the ability to place advertisements across the entire Amazon Marketplace. In principle, the advertising formats, like AMS itself, are billed based on the Cost-per-Click (CPC) method. They have three different types of advertisements to choose from:
- Headline Search Ads: With this type of advertisement, customers are directed to a landing page when they click on the ad. Here, merchants can present their best-selling or special products.
- Product Display Ads: With the help of Product Display Ads, merchants can keep an eye on performance statistics on Amazon. When customers view competing products, the ads can appear on the product detail pages. This way, customers are directed from competitors’ products to the merchant’s products.
- Sponsored Products: If a customer’s search query matches a keyword, the advertisements can appear at different locations on the website. As soon as the customer clicks on the ad, they are directed straight to the merchant’s product detail page.
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